have you ever
met someone extraordinary?
At ES, we’d love for you to meet Jesus. He’s from a small town in Israel, but also from God. He was born 2024 years ago, but he’s been around forever. He did some amazing things and he had a massive fan base, but they executed him. He spent 3 days in the grave, but now he’s alive again.
Jesus has an incredible story, and we’d love for you to get to know him. He’s changed our lives – perhaps he could change yours too.
Jesus has an incredible story, and we’d love for you to get to know him. He’s changed our lives – perhaps he could change yours too.
At ES, there are heaps of ways for you to Meet Jesus
Come and meet Jesus as we unpack the Bible in a talk/presentation format. The Bible talks run for an hour on UniSA and Adelaide Uni campuses, several times a week. You can check out previous talks here.
Bible Study groups offer a relaxed context to Meet Jesus in a group of 5-10 with classmates by discussing a passage from the Bible together.
Uncover John
One of the best ways to meet Jesus is by reading an eyewitness account of his life. We call this "Uncover John" - check out the resource we use here. If you're keen to meet with someone to read uncover on campus, let us know and we'll get back to you soon.
Jesus Week 2024
We run a special week to Meet Jesus each year. This year's Jesus week runs from August 12-16. There'll be talks, a debate, and even a drama performance in the evenings. Find out more here.
meet jesus around australia
Our "Meet Jesus" campaign is part of a wider movement of university Christian groups and churches who long for people in their campus and neighbourhoods to meet Jesus too! Why not check out some of their content and resources too?