For parents and pastors

Beliefs, affiliation, history

Evangelical Students is an inter-denominational group and has a doctrinal basis which reflects mainstream reformed evangelical belief.
We have been a club at the Adelaide University since 1934 and are affiliated with the Adelaide University Union and USASA at UniSA.
If you studied at Adelaide University, you may have known us by our previous name - the Evangelical Union (EU).

Partners with the local churches

ES seeks to work in partnership with the local churches. We are not a "uni church" or church replacement. Instead, we understand ourselves to be the mission arm of the local churches to the North Terrace campuses.
If you are a pastor, we hope that you'll encourage uni students in your congregation to join us and be on mission while they're at uni.
If you are a parent, we hope that you'll encourage your children to join us while they're at uni. It will be a life-changing experience.
We really value your feedback and would love to answer any questions you have - please contact us

Trained staff in patnership

ES North Terrace invites a number of full-time theologically trained staff to work in partnership with students and student-leaders. 

You can partner with us!

Perhaps you or your church would like to partner with us? We rely on the generosity of God's people in prayer and finances to enable this ministry, particularly to enable staff to partner with ES students. 

Questions? Feedback? 

If you have any questions or feedback, we'd love to hear from you.

From a graduate...

Getting involved with Evangelical Students is, in my opinion, the best thing you can do while you’re at uni.

During my three years at ES, I personally grew so much in my faith, godliness and witness. My experiences have prepared me well for a life of following Christ, serving him at church, and witnessing to others.

Some people think that being involved in their church is all they need (in terms of spiritual input and friendships), but I found that being fed from both church and ES was truly beneficial.

Involvement in ES is not only about what you can receive, but also what you can give, with great opportunities for serving God and developing leadership skills. I was privileged to lead a Bible Study Group on my campus, as well as to lead the team that organised Mid Year Conference. There are many areas within ES in which students can play a role.

One of the other significant benefits of ES is that you get to meet fellow Christian uni students and build friendships that will last a lifetime. It’s comforting to know that you’re not the only Christian at your uni. Walking around campus and seeing familiar faces from ES is a real encouragement to continue living in a way that points your classmates and friends to Jesus. Starting at uni can be quite intimidating, so for me, getting involved in ES and connecting with other Christians at uni was a huge help in finding my feet on campus.

- James